12th March -- Hollingworth - Greater Manchester
Four walks all starting from the Visitor Centre on Hollingworth Lake just outside Rochdale. The day started overcast but soon cleared to sun. Good walking conditions. Photos from C and A walks below.

The C walk started with a walk around the South end of the lake and then up to join the Pennine Bridle Way. We followed this all the way north to Chelburn reservoirs and joined the canal at Summit. Then back down the canal with its many locks into Hollingworth.
Wood carvings by Hollingworth lake
Arriving on the Pennine Bridleway
Some friendly native wild life
Coffee stop at Lydgate bridge
Rhea... and some overweight pig at an animal retirement home
View over Chelburn resevoir Lofty lunch spot
Along the Rochdale canal from Summit

The A walk headed SE along the Lake and under the M6. Then Eastwards up the Longden valley to join the Pennine Way on Windy Hill. Then north over the M6 and along Blackstone Edge and the Blackstone, Whiteholm and Warland reservoirs. Finally down into the Rochdale valley and along the Rochdale canal back to Hollingworth.
Grey dawn over Hollingworth Lake
"The valley sheep are fatter" Sun's out and so are the smiles as Helen imagines eating her scone
The things people do for a better mobile phone reception! Pennine Way footbridge over M6
.. Nowt like a quiet walk in the country! John & Tony modelling this years range
Carol gets her scones out, or "scowns" if you're posh
Follow the granite brick road
Here come the Bs wandering as lonely as a cloud
despite the snow drifts, we battled on
What a cracking day Misty view back to Hollingworth Lake
Looking back at Blackstone Edge John points out the Aiggin stone
Happy Days Fantastic Open Countryside
Lunchtime sunbathing
Carefully down the Warland reservoir bank and down into the Rochdale valley..
..by the stream Back along the canal
Joker in the paclk
John exercises his inner child

And finally...
Favourite things

Photos by Phil Cunningham, Derek Hesketh, John Hodgson and Rick Moxon